Pinoleville Pomo Nation
Vocational Rehabilitation Program
“Celebrating One Success Story at a Time”
How to apply..? All Native Americans living in our service area are qualified to apply for the VocRehab Program. The first step is to request an orientation by visiting our office or by calling us at 707.462.7801. Outreach is also available for a home visit. Once your application is received, a VocRehab counselor will carefully review all of the information provided to them. A letter of eligibility or non eligibility will be mailed out to you within 60 days.
Free Hot Meals
Lunch 11:30am to Noon
Seniors and Families Dinner-
5:30pm to 6:00pm
General Public Dinner-
6:00pm to 6:30pm
at 1346 S. State St. in Ukiah
Free Hot Dinners
Willits Daily Bread Program
Mon-Thurs. from 5:30pm to 6:30pm at
St. Anthony’s Church Hall,
58 Bush St.
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Mon.-Fri. and Weds. at Noon
255 S. Harold St, Fort Bragg
Community Health Clinics
Provide access to health care, regardless of your ability to pay, ensuring there are no closed doors for people seeking primary health care in Mendocino County
- Anderson Valley Health Clinic: 707.895.3477
- Consolidated Tribal Health: 707.485.5115
- Little Lake Health Center: 707.456.9600
- Long Valley Health Center: 707.984.6131
- Mendocino Coast Clinic: 707.964.1251
- Mendo Community Health Clinic: 707.468.1010
- Round Valley Health Center: 707.983.6181
Mendocino County has a network of Family Resource Centers offering a range of parenting education and other support for parents. Most centers offer childcare and some sort of transportation.
- Anderson Valley 707.895.3496
- Ft. Bragg 707.964.3077
- Gualala/Pt. Arena 707.884.5413
- Laytonville 707.984.8089
- Potter Valley 707.743.1789
- Ukiah 707.463.8181 (Nuestra Casa)
- Ukiah 707.463.4018
- Willits 707.456.3710
- Willits 707.456.9418 (Nuestra Alianza)
Breastfeeding Support
Mendocino Breast Start
Provides recorded information about local breastfeeding resources English/Spanish
Ukiah: 1(855)855-milk
La Leche League
An internation, non-profit organization dedicated to providing encouragement, information, support and education to women who want to breastfeed
Ukiah: 707.485.1940
Ft. Bragg: 707.962.0797
WIC/Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding support to mothers receiving WIC services, and to the community at large. Includes pump loans, and one-on-one guidance
Ft.Bragg: 707.964.7106
Pregnant & Parenting Teens
A program for teens on TANF to help them complete high school, become and form healthy families
Ukiah: 707.472.2733
A program that supports pregnant and parenting teens attending high school, Cal-SAFE provides childcare, and focuses on academic success
Ukiah: 707.467.5140
Legal Services
Project Sanctuary
24-Hour Crisis Line; domestic violence counseling services, and advocacy; shelter for battered women and their children
Ukiah: 707.463-Help(4357)
Toll Free: 1.800.350.2237
Family Support Services
Parents have a legal obligation to support their children. Call if you should be getting Child Support from your child’s other parent
Ukiah: 707.468.2001
Victim/Witness Assistance
Crisis intervention, emergency assistance, referrals and help with the criminal justice system
Ukiah: 707.463.4218
Behavior Health
AODP (Alcohol & Other Drug Program)
WINDO Program & Perinatal Services
Helps pregnant women and parents quit using alcohol and drugs, and learn new ways to manage life’s problems. Parenting, communication skills and other support offered, as well as transportation and children assistance
Ukiah: 707.472.2637
Tobacco Control Program
Help to quit smoking and information about the health effects of tobacco use
Ukiah: 707.472.2695 (public health)
1.800-NO BUTTS (1.800.766.2888)
Health Insurance
Healthy Kids Mendocino
Get help accessing the following health insurance for your child. Call today 707.463-KIDS(5437)
- Healthy Families offers health care coverage to children
- Medi-Cal free health insurance for children of low income families
- Medi-Cal for Pregnant Women Free health insurance for Pregnant women who qualify